What Diseases Does Asbestos Cause?
Asbestosis is a progressive disease that results in serious inflammation and irritation in the lungs. The disease can be potentially fatal and have no symptoms at all. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the lining of the majority of the internal organs. Mesothelioma is divided into four different types. Pleural malignant mesothelioma affects only the lungs, peritoneal affects the tissues of the abdomen, pericardial affects the heart and mesothelioma in the tunical vaginalis appears in the testes.
Asbestosis is caused by inhaling the fibers of the asbestos. Immune cells try to break down the asbestos but fail due to the length of the fiber. The chemicals that are meant to destroy the asbestos leak onto the alveoli of the lungs, causing scarring. The exact cause of mesothelioma is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to genetics and asbestos. The fibers of asbestos are not the only causes of lung cancer but initiate the cancer in some cases.
Symptoms of asbestos-related diseases typically do not occur until 20 to 30 years after exposure. Symptoms of mesothelioma include chronic coughing, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, weight loss and fluid build up in the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma can cause pain and swelling in the abdomen as well as unexplained weight loss. Lung cancer symptoms include anemia, hoarse coughing, severe chest pain, coughing up blood, fatigue and weight loss. Asbestosis typically displays symptoms that include constant coughing and wheezing, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath.
Treatment for lung cancer typically involves a combination of chemotherapy, surgery and in some cases radiation. Surgeries to remove fluid from the chest and lining from the organs are common treatments for mesothelioma. Chemotherapy is also used to kill cancer cells and radiation aids when targeting specific areas. No treatment will reverse the effects of asbestosis so treatment focuses on cessation of the progression of the disease and symptom relief. Quitting smoking and vaccinations are used to prevent lung infections that could cause pneumonia and the flu.
Avoiding breathing asbestos at the workplace or at home is vital to preventing these diseases. Follow any and all safety precautions outlined by your employer such as wearing a face mask. Take special care to stay away from asbestos that is disintegrating or damaged, as this is when asbestos is most likely to be released into the air. Speak with your doctor about other things you may be able to do to reduce your risk.