Repeated Yeast Infections
Candidiasis in the Large Intestines
Candidiasis in the large intestines can be caused by an overuse of antibiotics, corticosteroids, birth control pills, poor dieting, chlorinated water and even stress. The excess yeast irritates the mucus membrane of the colon and can cause fecal impactions. Yeast, toxins and parasites often congregate in this area. If these entities are left untreated through detoxification, they can enter the bloodstream and invade cells and body organs. Symptoms from this type of candidiasis can include external yeast infections as well as many illnesses. These symptoms can reoccur in the body as long as the excess candida remains in the colon.
Candidiasis in the Small Intestines
Candida overgrowth in the small intestines can cause "leaky gut" syndrome. This condition often occurs in conjunction with the candidiasis in the colon. Mucus membranes in the small intestines are also affected by the candida. Over time, the fungus can actually penetrate the delicate walls of the small intestines, releasing undigested food, toxins and foreign bacteria into the bloodstream. This condition can can also cause repeated yeast infections on the skin and in the mouth.
Weakened Immune System
Systemic yeast weakens the immune system. It feeds off the body's vitamins and minerals and prevents the cells from getting the proper amount of nutrition. As long as candida remains in the colon and digestive tract, it can continue to wreak havoc and cause certain diseases and infections, including repeated bouts of yeast infections on the skin and in the mouth.
Types of Recurring Yeast Infections
Women and men can get recurring yeast infections in the genital area (vaginal and penile infections). Though systemic yeast can spur these infections, the combination of moisture and heat can also trigger them as well. People who wear wet clothing or bathing suits for prolonged periods can be prone to recurring genital yeast infections. Wearing a lot of tight or thick clothing can also cause repeated cases. Other types of recurring yeast infections include athlete's feet, jock itch, intertrigo and ringworm. Mouth thrush can also reoccur. It usually appears on the tongue and inside walls of the cheek.
Most people use ointments and antibiotics to get rid of yeast infections. However, these treatments alone will not rid the colon and digestive tract of the excess candida. Consequently, anyone who gets a specific yeast infection will continue to be prone to it until systemic yeast is eliminated. Detoxing is the best way to get rid of systemic candidiasis. One can detox by juicing with vegetables and fruits, using certain herbs or getting colon cleanses.