Human Fungus Diseases
Candidiasis is a fungus disease that affects the colon. The excess candida can cause the lining of the colon to become inflamed. As a result, the colon can become impacted with mucus and fecal impactions, which harbor the yeast, toxins and parasites. The yeast thrives on sugar and gluten that people consume. Over time, these foreign bodies can enter the bloodstream and invade the body's cells and organs. Candidiasis can set off other fungal infections as well. It can also cause muscle and joint pain, migraines, gastritis and even autoimmune diseases (such as chronic fatigue syndrome and Crohn's disease).
Mouth Thrush
Mouth thrush (also known as oral thrush) is a fungus infection that inflames the mouth lining. Key symptoms are white, cream-colored or yellow spots that appear on the tongue, roof of the mouth and throat. These spots do not usually cause pain, but they can bleed if one attempts to scrape them off. People with cancer, diabetes and those with poor diets are especially susceptible to this disease. Anti-fungal lozenges and tablets are usually prescribed to treat this condition.
Penile & Vaginal Yeast Infections
Vaginal yeast infections usually cause itching, burning and soreness. These symptoms are often accompanied with a thick discharge like cottage cheese that can have a starchy odor. Men also have itching and odor with penile infections. This disease usually affects their scrotum and penis. The skin in both areas can become dry and cracked, especially when men have erections. This yeast infection also causes small reddish bumps and blisters. Candidiasis and beer drinking can cause yeast infections. Women and men can spread these infections during sexual intercourse. Nystatin creams are used to treat this condition.
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a common fungus disease of the foot. The skin on top, between and under the toes usually becomes cracked and dry. Athlete's foot can also appear on the top and bottom of the foot. The dry skin can fester and blister as well. People usually get athlete's foot from others in public showers. They can also get it from a combination of sweaty or wet socks and tight shoes.
Aspergillosis is a fungal disease that affects the lungs. It normally does not affect healthy people, but those with immunity problems are susceptible to it. People who get this disease can have fever, chest pain, shortness of breath and even cough up blood. This fungus is highly common and is present in most decaying organic matter. People in older offices can be exposed to it if the air ducts are not clean or if the ventilation system is moldy. Chest X-rays may be needed to detect aspergillosis. Strong anti-fungal drugs are often used to treat it.