What Causes Chronic Yeast Infections?

Chronic yeast infections can occur both internally and externally on the skin. Some yeast infections are communicable (spread by contact) or occur because of extended exposure to moist or wet clothing. But recurring yeast infections are usually caused by an overgrowth of systemic candida. This can cause yeast infections such as jock itch, ringworm and athlete's foot to keep reappearing.
  1. Systemic Candidiasis

    • Most chronic yeast infections can be traced to systemic candidiasis. Candida albicans and other varieties live naturally on the skin and in the digestive tract and colon. Sometimes, this yeastlike fungus overproliferates in a person's colon because of an overuse of corticosteroids, antibiotics, poor diet and even chlorinated water. This problem can manifest itself in many ways, such as migraines, joint pain, gastritis, food allergies and autoimmune diseases like fibromyalgia. At times, this excess yeast can spur candida in other areas to overproduce, resulting in skin rashes or genital yeast infections. If you treat this external yeast infection with just antibiotic ointments and creams, you are not addressing the main culprit.

    Candida, Toxins & Parasites

    • The body's natural bacteria does its best to fight systemic candidiasis. When the excess candida dies, it emits toxins in the body. The erosion of the body's bacteria also makes the body more susceptible to parasite invasions. If the yeast, toxins and parasites are not eliminated from the colon, they can seep into the bloodstream and take up residence in one's cells and major organs. This can spur the overproduction of candida in other areas of the body, including the skin. This is another reason yeast infections can keep recurring.

    Fecal Impactions

    • Systemic candidiasis disturbs the delicate mucus membranes of the large intestines. This can cause clumps of feces and mucus to collect along the walls of the colon. These impactions are not easy to eradicate from the body. Systemic yeast will then tarry in your body unless you cleanse your bowels through juicing or colon cleanses. The inability to get rid of the systemic yeast can make you more prone to recurring yeast infections.

    Natural Bacteria In The Body

    • In addition to parasitic invasion, the erosion of your natural bacteria also temporarily weakens the immune system. This can render the body prone to any number of problems, including external yeast infections. You must get this systemic yeast under control or risk having recurring yeast infections and other more serious problems. People with systemic yeast often take probiotics (such as activie yogurt) to replenish the "friendly" bacteria in the colon.

    Natural Bacteria on the Skin

    • Natural bacteria on the skin protects it from foreign bacterial and fungus infections. But this natural bacteria also dies off when fighting any external candidiasis. If the culprit is systemic candidiasis, the fungus can keep reappearing unless all of the candidal fungus is eliminated from the body.

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