Side Effects of Stanozolol
Common Side Effects
There are several common side effects of Stanozolol that are generally not considered to be cause for alarm. These side effects include problems with sleeping, new or increasing acne, sexual desire changes, and headache. Though these side effects are usually minor, those who experience any of these side effects should consult their doctors.
Liver Problems
Though it is uncommon, life threatening liver-related problems can occur as side effects of Stanozolol. There are some side effects that can appear as early symptoms of liver issues. People should watch out for light stools, dark urine, abnormal exhaustion, abdominal ache, throwing up, and nausea. These symptoms all require emergency medical attention.
Severe Side Effects
There are several other severe Stanozolol side effects that require immediate medical attention. These side effects are changes in the voice (such as deepness or hoarseness), increased facial hair, loss of hair, menstrual cycle abnormalities and clitoral size increase (for females), legs or arms swelling (particularly the ankles), breast tenderness, increased erections and increased breast size (for males).
Allergic Reactions
Allergic reactions are also possible harmful side effects of Stanozolol. Individuals who experience allergic reactions to the medication must seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Some signs of allergic reaction are the throat closing, problems with breathing, breaking out into hives, and the tongue, face, and lips swelling.
Drug Interactions
When considering Stanozolol, it is vital to notify your doctor of all medications and nutritional supplements you might be taking. This is due to the fact that taking more than one drug or supplement at a time could lead to drug interactions. Drug interactions can cause negative side effects, or increase or decrease the effectiveness of one or both of the drugs/supplements that are involved. Some medicines that could lead to drug interactions with Stanozolol include blood thinners (such as Warfarin), oral diabetes medication or insulin (like Glyburide), Tolbutamide, Glipizide, Glimepiride, and Chlorpropamide.