Cleanse Body of Candida
If you want to rid your body of excess candida, you will need to start a gluten-free diet. This can be a challenge because most breads, pastas, pastries, snacks and packaged foods contain glutens. Milk and beer do, too. Fortunately, there are a lot of food substitutes available on the market. Brown rice is gluten-free, as is spelt. There are plenty of breads, pastas and milk products made of rice. You can also eat grains such as quinoa, amaranth and millet. ou will be able to eat meats, vegetables and fruits. Fruits should be limited to a couple a day as they contain sugar.
Eating at restaurants will be another challenge. Most meats are basted in sauces that contain glutens or yeast. If you have a candida problem, you should limit your restaurant visits.
Probiotics are often recommended to combat an overgrowth of candida. Probiotics increase the amount of bacteria in the body which can help fight candida. Digestive enzymes are also highly effective. Other supplements that fight yeast include garlic, grapefruit seed extract, cat's claw and cayenne. It is best to start with a probiotic and one other yeast killer such as garlic. This will give your body time to adjust to supplements.
Realize that when candida dies, it emits toxins as a natural reaction. As you start eliminating these toxins through your diet, you may feel sick at times. This is normal, and symptoms will diminish over time.
Most doctors will prescribe nystatin for a systemic yeast infection. They may also have you use a cream for any bodily yeast infections. However, the symptoms are likely to reoccur unless the surplus of candida is killed off. If you are diagnosed by a natural doctor, they will usually forgo the nystatin. Many alternative medicine practitioners believe that nystatin can actually increase the presence of candida.
Colonics And Colon Cleanses
Colonics are highly effective in eliminating the overgrowth of candida and its toxins. Colonics will help flush the offending substances out of the large intestines. If you do colonics, you will likely have at least five to six sessions. During each session, 25 to 30 gallons of purified water will pass through the ascending, transverse and descending portions of your large intestines. You may experience some pain as well as nausea, which is normal. Most people feel much better after a treatment.
Colon cleanses are another option, especially if you do not want to do colonics. A cleanse usually comes in powder form.