Cure for an Overgrowth of Bad Candida
Diet And Supplements
A cure for the overgrowth of candida starts with the diet. If you have this ailment you will need to go on a yeast-free and gluten-free diet. This can be difficult for people because most breads, pastas, cakes, pastries, milks, sodas, beers, cheeses and cereals contain yeast and glutens. But there are many alternative foods. Brown rice is a gluten-free food. Many breads, pastas and other foods are made from brown rice today because of this growing problem. You can also substitute some of your favorite crackers and cookies with tasty ones made from pecans and almonds. Spelt bread is another gluten-free food.
You can continue eating most meats, vegetables and fruits. Fruits should be limited to just several a day because they contain sugar. You will need to be more careful when ordering food in a restaurant. They often use marinade and sauces made from yeast or glutens.
In addition to dietary changes, supplements can help you fight the overgrowth of candida in your system. Probiotics work extremely well to balance out the flora in your digestive tract. Digestive enzymes also help to fight the over-proliferation of yeast. Other yeast killers include garlic, grapefruit seed extract, cayenne and Paul D' Arco tea. You will probably want to start out with a probiotic and one of the others such as Paul D' Arco tea.
As these supplements kill off the extra candida, the yeast emits toxins as it dies. This can potentially make you feel ill. These symptoms will pass quickly. Just realize that this a normal part of the healing process.
Medication For Candida Overgrowth
Doctors will usually give you nystatin for your candida ailment. This medicine is available in pill or powder form and can help kill off the systemic yeast. Medical doctors do not typically recommend supplements for this problem, but some may tell you to take probiotics.
Colonics or colon hydrotherapy are often recommended for people with an overgrowth of bad candida. Because the yeast emits toxins as it is killed off, flushing these harmful substances away can eliminate further problems. Without treatment, toxins can enter your bloodstream and cells and cause certain diseases or even death.
Colonics are usually performed by a licensed colon therapist. This individual will probably recommend that you do at least six sessions. People with more severe candida problems will have to be treated for a longer period of time. Treatments take place in a room where 20 to 30 gallons of purified water flush out the ascending, transverse and descending sections of the large intestines. You may experience some gas pain or nausea from the treatment, but this is usually just temporary. Most people feel rejuvenated after a treatment.