Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease Symptoms
LPR symptoms may be broken into four classifications: vocal, swallowing, pulmonary and laryngeal. Vocal afflictions include hoarseness, a cracked voice, a weak voice, or a change in voice. LPR may cause one to regurgitate food, experience the constant feeling of something in the throat or have difficulty swallowing. Patients with pulmonary symptoms may exhibit chronic throat irritation and clearing, excessive phlegm or mucous, a chronic cough, wheezing or blocked air passages. LPR may also cause the larynx to spasm, which makes breathing difficult.
LPR can be diagnosed using laryngoscopy or 24-hour pH testing. Laryngoscopy is a procedure that allows doctors to examine the effects of LPR on the back of the throat, larynx and vocal chords. Doctors perform indirect laryngoscopy by placing a mirror at the back of the throat, while direct laryngoscopy is performed by placing either a rigid or flexible laryngoscope down the patient's throat. Twenty-four hour pH testing is used by doctors to determine whether acid is moving up into the esophagus from the stomach. A small, thin tube with an acid-reading device is placed down the esophagus and positioned 2 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter.
Stomach acid is caustic. It can cause burning, irritation and swelling in the larynx and vocal chords. Furthermore, the healing of any previous vocal chord injuries may be hampered by acid reflux.
LRP and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) may seem similar, but they are two separate disorders. LRP manifests above the esophagus, while GERD appears below the esophagus. Contrary to LRP, GERD occurs when only the lower esophageal sphincter fails. Furthermore, GERD's primary symptom is heartburn. LRP sufferers do not typically experience heartburn. LRP patients experience acid reflex during the day, when the body is positioned upright. GERD patients experience reflux at night, when the body is reclined.
LRP treatment can be grouped in three classifications: lifestyle modification, pharmaceutical treatment and surgery. Patients modify their lifestyle by avoiding fatty, greasy and spicy foods, overeating, alcohol and caffeine. Antacids, H2 blockers (Tagamet HB) and Proton Pump Inhibitors (Prevacid) can be taken to neutralize the effects of acid. Surgery can be employed to tighten the lower esophageal sphincter, nissen fundoplication, by wrapping the upper part of the stomach around the lower part of the esophagus.