Natural Head Lice Treatments
Over-the-Counter Treatments
Visit your local health food or organic store and browse the natural over-the-counter remedies. Specifically look for treatments and shampoos that contain neem oil, which is a natural pest killer. You can also shop for these types of shampoos and treatments online.
Read all instructions and follow them to letter. Be sure to follow up with repeat treatments within one week, even if you no longer see signs of infestation.
Essential Oils to Treat Lice
You can treat head lice infestations with essential oils. Essential oils are the bare essence of the plants and flowers they come from, so they are incredibly powerful. You will not want to use them directly on the skin as some essential oils can cause severe skin irritation. Mix them with a base oil, such as olive oil, to get the same effect without the irritation.
Many essential oil lice treatment mixtures call for the use of neem, tea tree, lavender and rose essential oils. Mix three to five drops of each oil into one-quarter cup of olive oil and stir thoroughly. Work this mixture through the hair, and cap the head with a plastic shower cap to keep the lice from leaping off of the head. Leave this treatment on for about one hour, and then rinse.
After rinsing out the hair, use a nit comb to comb out all of the eggs. Eggs are not susceptible to treatment, so even after using heavy duty lice treatments, eggs will still hatch and start the infestation over again.
Smothering Lice
Smother lice with food items such as coconut milk and mayonnaise. Coat hair completely and cap your head with a plastic shower cap. Leave this on for at least eight hours. Rinse with white vinegar to help get the oils out of your hair, and then rinse again with hot water.
Not only will this suffocate the lice, but it might also help soften and loosen the nits, so they will be easier to comb out.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is ground down, fossilized algae that is often used to treat infestations of fleas, ticks and other hard-shelled insects. You don't want to use diatomaceous earth on your hair, but it can be used in bedding and around the house to kill any lice that might be lingering.
Sprinkle the powder on carpets and furniture, allow it to settle for two days and then vacuum.