Achilles Pain Relief
When you have Achilles pain, it is important to put your foot up and ice up your heel. The Achilles tendon is just above your heel, and this is the part that you want to put ice on. However, do not put ice directly on it. Put a thin cloth like towel in between your heel and the ice. The ice should be left on it for 20 minutes. This helps the inflammation. Do this at least three times a day.
If you are in pain because of your Achilles, then take a rest. Do not do activities that aggravate your pain. Try to keep off your foot as much as possible. Sometimes your doctor may give you a walking boot or a cast to help you rest your Achilles heel and help it heal.
Heel Lifts
Heel lifts are shoe inserts that you can get at drugstores and shoe stores. The heel lifts actually do lift up your heel and help to support your heel better. It helps your tendons by putting less pressure on them. It is also important to have sturdy shoes to put your heel lifts in. Good shoes and heel lifts can help make your Achilles pain go away more quickly.
Sometimes stretching can help ease your Achilles pain. Stretch your calf and heel gently. Then massage the area to help with the inflammation. Just do not overstretch because you could do more harm than good. Always stretch before you do any form of exercise.
Some doctors may advise you to take medication to help with your Achilles pain relief. They might recommend medication that helps reduce both the pain and the inflammation. For example, ibuprofen usually comes highly recommended for helping Achilles pain. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
The last resort to helping relieve Achilles pain is surgery. Your doctor may send you to a foot surgeon. During surgery the surgeon will try to go in and fix whatever issues there are. After surgery you will probably have to do physical therapy to fully recover. Surgery should always be the last option for getting Achilles pain relief.