Types of Yeast Infections
Yeast infections of the genital areas of males and females are quite common. Vaginal Candidiasis and male yeast infection of the groin will both cause symptoms of redness, itching and burning but are easily treated with topical antifungals available at any drugstore.
Overgrowth of yeast in the digestive tract will often lead to bloating, diarrhea and excessive gas. Intestinal yeast infections often caused by use of antibiotics that have killed normal intestinal bacteria but may be treated by consuming yogurt with live Lactobacillus bacteria or by taking probiotic dietary supplements.
Symptoms of yeast infections of localized areas of the skin will include rash, redness, burning and itching at the infection site. Yeast skin infections are common in areas of the skin that are moist and warm such as the feet or in the folds of skin. These are best treated by keeping the skin dry and by use of a topical antifungal agent that come in powders, sprays, creams and topical solutions.
Fingernail and Toenail
Yeast infections involving the toenails or fingernails will have symptoms of discolored (yellow or greenish) spots and possible loss of the nail. Though topical antifungal treatments are available, nail infections are more difficult to treat and may require a prescription antifungal product. Treatment will often be required for several months until new healthy nail tissue completely covers the nail bed.
Thrush is most common in children and is caused by yeast overgrowth in the mouth, and has symptoms of redness, burning and white patches on the tongue or skin of the mouth. Thrush may be treated by consumption of yogurt containing live cultures of Lactobacillus but may also require a prescription antifungal product such as nystatin suspension for an oral rinse.
Systemic Candidiasis
When Candida has entered the bloodstream, it is known as systemic Candidiasis. Symptoms are varied but often include flu like symptoms of fever, aches and fatigue. Systemic Candidiasis is more common in patients who are immunocompromised such as AIDS or cancer patients. It is quite serious and difficult to treat and must be diagnosed and treated by a physician with antifungal medication such as fluconazole or in more serious cases, Amphoteracin-B.