Listeria Meningitis Treatment

A listeria infection is an illness that may occur when eating contaminated food. Symptoms can occur any time between a few days or two months after eating contaminated food. Foods that may be contaminated with listeria include meats, raw vegetables, soft cheese, deli meats, hot dogs and unpasteurized milk. Sometimes listeria symptoms may seem like the flu, but other times they may become serious and lead to complications such as meningitis. Meningitis is a inflammation of the brain's membranes which can cause serious complications if not treating promptly and aggressively.
  1. IV Antibiotics

    • The listeria infection is generally treated with IV antibiotics. Treatment will require a stay in the hospital. If antibiotics are administered soon after the onset of symptoms the risk of developing meningitis is dramatically reduced. However, if meningitis does develop other additional doses of antibiotics and other treatments will be needed.

    Fluid Drainage

    • Individuals with meningitis will need to have excess fluids drained. Fluids may have accumulated in the sinuses, mastoids and in the cranial cavity between the brain and the membranes. Some of these structures may have to removed in severe cases.

    Other Treatments

    • Other medications such as corticosteroids may be given to reduce brain swelling. Also, medications such as dilantin or phenobarbital may be given to prevent convulsions. Fluids may be administered through IVs to prevent and treat dehydration. Pain medication may also be given to alleviate body aches and pains. In addition, medications such as acetaminophen may be given to control fever. Oxygen therapy may be used if the patient is having trouble breathing.

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