Prevention of Nail Fungus
Keep Nails Short and Dry
Trim your nails down to the tip of your fingers or toes to prevent bacteria from going under the nail. Use a clean nail trimmer; avoid using a nail trimmer used on other feet to reduce the risk of spreading fungi. Make sure to keep your nails and feet completely dry after any activities that make them moist by using a dry, cotton cloth.
Protect Feet and Hands
Protect your feet and hands with socks and gloves. According to the Mayo Clinic, synthetic socks are the best wear for feet to protect them from moisture, keeping them dry and free of fungi. Change your socks if they become moist. For your hands, wear rubber gloves during activities that make your fingers moist or wet, such as washing dishes or gardening.
Avoid Going Barefoot
Avoid walking barefoot in public places. This includes locker rooms, public bathrooms and gym changing rooms. Fungi grows in these areas because it is warm and usually moist.
Do Not Remove Extra Skin
Avoid removing hangnails or extra skin around your nails. Removing it exposes the skin and the nearby nail bed to bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of infection. Avoid trimming the skin around the nails when possible, even with a nail trimmer.
Use Antifungal Spray
Antifungal spray wicks moisture from the nails and surrounding skin, protecting it from fungi. It also kills any lingering fungus around the nails. According to the University of California, the best way to protect your feet is to spray antifungal spray on your feet and the inside of your shoes.