Yellow Tongue Disease
Canker Sores
Canker sores are small sores that can appear anywhere in the mouth, including the tongue. They can be whitish or yellow in appearance and are more common in women than in men. According to the National Institutes of Health, the causes of canker sores include injury to the tongue, emotional stress and some food allergies. Sometimes, canker sores appear with no known cause.
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion is a common cause for a yellow tongue, according to the Mayo Clinic. This normally happens because nasal congestion causes a person to breath through her mouth rather than her nose, causing saliva to evaporate, making the tongue drier than normal. This allows some bacteria to grow rapidly and give the tongue a yellowish appearance.
Poor Oral Hygiene
Most people realize the importance of brushing and flossing teeth every day in order to keep them healthy and strong. However, food and drinks that cause bacteria to flourish on the teeth can also cause bacterial growth on the tongue. Brushing the tongue as part of daily oral hygiene can prevent bacteria from building up on the tongue and giving it a yellowish coating.
Poor Health Habits
Poor health habits can cause the tongue to have a yellowish appearance because of an increase in the amount of bacteria on the tongue. Eating or drinking sugary foods or beverages can promote bacterial growth on the tongue. Smoking or chewing tobacco can reduce saliva production. Saliva helps clear away harmful bacteria, so a reduction in the amount of saliva in the mouth can lead to increased bacteria on the tongue.
Yellow tongue is considered harmless and usually will not require a visit to the doctor or dentist. Basic treatment and prevention include brushing the tongue when you brush your teeth. If yellow tongue persists, the Mayo Clinic recommends rinsing the mouth with a solution of five parts water/one part hydrogen peroxide, followed with a clear water rinse to help get rid of a yellowish color on the tongue.