How to Cope With Blushing
See a psychologist. You can find a psychologist online (see Resources), or ask your doctor for a recommendation. A psychologist can help you understand the emotional triggers of your blushing and help determine when this blushing problem came about. Your psychologist can help you by talking out your frustrations on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
See your medical doctor for prescription medication. Prescription medications, including anxiety medications such as Xanax, beta blockers and Clonidine can help keep your anxiety and heart rate down to lower your blood flow and keep your face from flushing. Xanax and many other anxiety medications can be addictive, so have an in-depth talk with your doctor before taking a regimen of these drugs.
Keep a chart. Determine how often you blush and the emotional trigger associated with why you are blushing. Each time you blush, write down the time you started blushing, how long the blushing lasted and the emotional reason you were blushing, if any. Write in your chart every time you blush, and refer back to your list to determine any patterns.
Take deep breaths. If you start to feel blushing coming on, take slow, deep breaths to slow your heart rate. This way, you will concentrate more on your breathing and less on the emotional embarrassment. As your heart rate slows, you will feel the blushing and embarrassment fading away.
Get surgery. If your blushing is accompanied by excessive sweating, you might have overactive sympathetic nerves. These nerves can be clamped off through endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, which is a surgical operation that can be performed at your local hospital. This procedure is considered a last-resort treatment.