Holistic Treatments for Fibromyalgia
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a treatment that involves manipulating the soft tissues and muscles of the body to improve circulation and metabolism. Also, it may help with the flow of various nutrients through the body and may help the body rid itself of wastes more efficiently. In addition, massage relaxes the muscles by relieving tension, increases the body's production of natural pain relievers and improves the range of motion in various joints. Massage therapy can be beneficial for fibromyalgia sufferers because it can help increase flexibility and also reduce morning stiffness associated with fibromyalgia. Also, massage therapy may help to lessen sleep problems for fibromyalgia sufferers.
Chiropractic Manipulations
Chiropractors adjust the spine's alignment in an attempt to reduce pain throughout the body. Through manipulations, the spine may be able to move easier and with less pain. Chiropractic care can help to increase pain tolerance. Individuals with fibromyalgia often have intense neck and back pain and chiropractic care can help to reduce those pains by properly aligning the spine.
Acupuncture is a treatment method that involves inserting tiny needles at different points on the body to restore the body's life force balance. Once the needles are inserted, the practitioner may manipulate or twist the needles in such a way to promote the release of endorphins into the patient's bloodstream. The needles help to change blood flow and also normalize the neurotransmitter levels in the spinal cord and brain, which can reduce pain signals sent to the brain. Conflicting evidence exists concerning the benefit of acupuncture for fibromyalgia patients. However, some studies have found that acupuncture helps to alleviate pain associated with fibromyalgia and it also reduces depression and fatigue as well.
A variant form of acupuncture is called electroacupunture, which also involves the insertion of needles into the body. However, in this case, the needles are connected to tiny wire that transmits electrical currents through the body.
Another variant form of acupuncture is laser acupuncture. This form does not involve needles at all; instead, it uses lasers to stimulate different points on the body.
Biofeedback is a relaxation technique that utilizes electronic equipment to analyze the body's various responses to stress. The electronic equipment detects heart rate, muscle tension, sweat production, temperature and breathing patterns. The theory behind biofeedback is that patients who are informed about how their bodies respond to stress can take steps to control those responses through visualization and conscious awareness of the body's responses. Biofeedback can help fibromyalgia sufferers by decreasing overall pain and tender point pain. It can also help reduce sleeping problems and improve daily functioning.