How to Calculate Health Risk Assessment
Things You'll Need
- Online Health Calculators (High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancer, etc.) Measuring Tape Scale
How to Calculate Health Risk Assessment
Weigh yourself on a scale to get your base weight. Round your weight to the nearest 10th of a pound to be as accurate as possible.
Use a measuring tape to find your height to the nearest quarter inch. While you are measuring, you should also measure the circumference of your thigh, waist, abdomen, bicep, and chest. These measurements will be used to calculate amount of weight lost in inches.
Calculate your height in inches and your body weight in pounds. Find your Body Mass Index, or BMI, by squaring your height and dividing your body weight by the resulting number. Multiply the result by 703. The final number is your BMI. A healthy BMI should be between 18.5 and 24.9. Anything below 18.5 is considered underweight; 25 to 29.9 is overweight; and over 30 is obese.
Use the High Blood Pressure Calculator on the American Red Cross website to find out if you are at risk for high blood pressure. You will need to know your height and weight in order to do this, as well as your family's history of high blood pressure and heart disease.
Using the online health calculators listed below, determine what conditions or diseases for which you are at possible risk. Talk to your doctor about these conditions and find out what you can do (change of nutrition, exercise, reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption, etc.) to reduce your risk.