What to Expect When Recovering From a Colonoscopy
Inpatient or Outpatient
The immediate expectations following the colonoscopy will depend on whether you were admitted to the medical facility on an inpatient or outpatient basis. If you are an inpatient, you will remain in the facility and be monitored closely for any possible complications. If you are an outpatient, you should be permitted to leave in about an hour if all goes well.
Stomach Discomfort
It is not uncommon to experience some stomach distress immediately after the procedure. Soreness, bloating, and cramping often occur, with the latter two often being relieved by passing gas. These symptoms can last for up to 24 hours following the procedure.
Leaving the Facility
When you are discharged following the procedure, you may still be experiencing slight grogginess from the sedative. Because of this, you should have somebody accompany you or arrange for a ride home, since driving a car is not advisable. You will also be given specific instructions as far as diet, activity limitations, and any medications. If any irregularities are detected, your doctor will likely recommend additional tests.
You may detect a small amount of blood in the stool during your first bowel movement following the colonoscopy. This is not an abnormal occurrence, and should only be temporary. If this continues or a large amount of blood is present, contact your doctor immediately.
Resumption of Normal Activities
In general, you should be able to return to your normal activities within a day or two following the procedure. There will likely be no restrictions on what you eat or drink, although the consumption of alcohol should be avoided for 24 hours. Additionally, you should not operate heavy machinery or equipment for the same period of time.