How to Use Moldavite
Moldavite is sometimes made into an oil elixir, which can be massaged into the skin. When used for physical healing, moldavite is credited with generating new cell growth, healing health problems associated with pollution and resolving infertility. According to the Anne Meplon website, Moldavite "assists the body in becoming more balanced, helps in the absorption of vitamin B complex and in regulating irregularities of the heart."
Make your own healing moldavite massage oil elixir.
Things You'll Need
- Moldavite Olive oil, grape seed oil or other carrier oil Mason jar with lid Spoon
Place a piece of moldavite inside a mason jar.
Fill the jar with oil.
Place the jar in a window sill.
Gently stir the liquid in the jar every day for two weeks.
After two weeks, remove the stone.
Massage the moldavite oil into the bottoms of feet, on the solar plexus chakra, the third eye chakra and anywhere else on the body.