Inflamed Prostate Symptoms

When a man experiences an inflamed prostate, he is actually suffering from a condition called prostatitis. Sometimes, this inflammation of the prostate is caused by a bacterial infection. However, not all men with an inflamed prostate show signs of bacteria, making the direct cause unknown. There are speculations that certain contributing factors can lead to an inflamed prostate, such as stress, injury and other medical disorders. But regardless of its origins, this inflammation often produces very uncomfortable symptoms.
  1. Urinary Discomfort

    • Urinary discomfort is one of the most common symptoms of an inflamed inflamed prostate. This discomfort typically manifests as a burning or stinging sensation upon urination and can be attributed to the pressure placed on the urethra by the inflamed prostate gland.

    Urinary Disruption

    • Often accompanying urinary discomfort is some level of urinary disruption. With this particular symptom, many men suffer from an increase in the frequency and the urgency in urination as well as an actual difficulty expelling urine. And much like urinary discomfort, this symptom is a result of pressure caused by the inflammation of the gland, however, now the bladder and the urethra are affected, lessening urine capacity and making it much more difficult to push out urine.


    • For most men, an inflamed prostate also manifests in a great deal of pain. This pain is typically felt within the penis and testicles as well as the perineum (the under portion of the pelvis, running from the scrotum to the anus). However, it can also spread to other areas of the body, like the groin, abdomen and lower back.

    Ejaculatory Discomfort

    • An inflamed prostate can also lead to ejaculatory discomfort. While not as common as urinary discomfort, the reasons are much the same, as this symptom is caused by pressure placed by the prostate gland.


    • When the inflammation is caused by bacteria, it isn't uncommon for a man to suffer from a high fever. With this symptom, a man's temperature would run upwards of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and is often accompanied by the chills.

    Digestive Distress

    • Sometimes, the inflammation of the prostate prompts some digestive distress. For most men, this involves intermittent episodes of both nausea and vomiting, but it can also come about as an overall feeling of illness.

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