How to Cure Foot Fungus without Drugs
Like many people no one wants to have yellow finger nails especially in the summer. The fact that there is a yellow undertone means that something is an imbalance or a disease. In most cases, it is a fungus. Quite frankly, you don't have to spend money on drugs or surgeries to get toenail fungus cured. All you have to do Is go back to the basics.Instructions
Make sure that your nail polish is taken off because you need your nails to breathe. Nail polish usually isn't permeable for the air to enter your toenails. The more layers you have the less air your nails get. Fungus loves to develop in dark, no air environments.
Buy a bottle of white vinegar.
Apply vinegar to the nails twice a day. Apply once in the morning and once in the evening. Make sure to apply a liberal amount each time. -
You can also soak your toenails for about 1 minute and then apply the vinegar to the toenails to make sure the vinegar gets soaked into your toes.
When you are done, air dry your toes.
Make sure to eat vitamins so that your toenails grow develop and replace the fungus ridden ones. The fungus will disappear in about 2 weeks and vinegar works because fungus cannot sustain life in an acidic environment.