How to Stop Over Analyzing

Over analyzing is a stress disorder that can affect your daily life. It can be a symptom of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder or may occur on its own. Symptoms of over analyzing include nagging, racing thoughts, being hypercritical toward yourself or others, high stress levels and trouble sleeping. It can be difficult to determine what is causing your over analyzing, but with the help of a psychologist and some stress-relieving techniques, you should be able to drop the bad habit.

Things You'll Need

  • Chamomile tea
  • Classical music
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      Determine the root of your problem. Make an appointment with a psychologist in your area and bring some theories to your appointment. Did you have a very critical parent when you were growing up? Do you have a family history of obsessive compulsive disorder or depression? You and your psychologist can figure out what is causing your over analyzing through talk therapy.

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      Get active. If your mind is racing during the day and all you do is sit at work, try to do more athletic activities to keep your mind busy. When you exercise, your body will release adrenaline that will overcome bad feelings you have been experiencing. Exercising is a tried-and-true method of keeping depression at bay, but if you find yourself exercising compulsively, talk to your psychologist.

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      Relax before bed. To keep your mind from racing at night, sit in your favorite chair and take at least 20 minutes to drink a cup of chamomile tea and listen to some classical music. If your mind begins analyzing your day or you begin worrying about the next day, calmly tell your mind to relax and concentrate on your breathing. Try breathing in for four counts and out for four counts. Then try breathing in for four counts and out for eight counts.

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      Count your blessings. Each night before bed and every night in the morning, repeat the phrase "I am thankful for..." and list everything you are thankful for in your life. This way, your mind will be busy with positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts each morning when you wake up and when you fall asleep.

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      Seek medical help. If analytical feelings are ruling your life, see a psychiatrist for a diagnosis. You may be suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder or depression, which can be managed with prescription medications. Be open and honest with the doctor in order for him to make an accurate diagnosis for you.

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