Different Kinds of Toenail Fungus
Mold and Mildew
Toenail fungi are caused by one or a combination of three different culprits. Mold and mildew are common sources of infection. This mold and mildew is no different than other forms in the sense that they increase in situations that are dark, damp, and not very well ventilated. A prime example would be inside a pair of shoes. The outer shell of the toenail consists of a protein called keratin, which provides nourishment for the fungi to continue to thrive, according to Web MD.
Dermatophytes are a common cause of toenail fungus. This is actually the same fungus that causes athlete's foot --- it is very possible for it to infect the toenails too. This fungus is easily spread through contact with shoes or other clothing, nail files or clippers, or walking on a contaminated surface such as a shower floor or carpet.
Yeast will also cause toenail fungi when there is an excess of it. This commonly happens when people are sick, taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics, and in people who have problems with their immune systems.
Toenail fungi usually cause the toenail to become dried out and chalky. They will also cause the toenail to change colors, usually becoming brownish or yellowish. There could be a foul smell that comes from the nail and it will likely become quite thick. The toe that has the fungus will likely be painful and sore, especially when wearing shoes.
There are some ways that one can prevent toenail fungi from happening. Always make sure that your feet are able to breathe, even when wearing hose or shoes; never walk barefoot in any public showers or locker rooms; make sure your feet are clean and dried well, leaving no moisture behind. Use a top quality foot powder and then always wear clean socks, and never use any nail trimmers or files until they are thoroughly disinfected first.