Alcoholic Myopathy Symptoms
Tingling of Extremities
Tingling sensations are often present as a result of alcoholic myopathy, particularly in people who have been drinking heavily for years. Tingling sensations usually occur in the feet and calves.
Loss of Balance
Muscular degeneration can often result in loss of balance or coordination problems. Patients with alcoholic myopathy frequently trip and fall. This symptom is seen most often in alcoholics who have been drinking extremely heavily for a number of years.
Muscle Weakness
Muscle weakness occurs most often in the shoulders and can sometimes affect muscles in the face. This symptom can also occur in the leg muscles, but usually affects the upper body, unless the patient has been drinking heavily for a very long time.
Skin Inflammation
Pink or purple scaly areas of the skin are often associated with alcoholic myopathy. These skin inflammations usually occur over joints, such as elbows, knees and knuckles.
Fever occasionally occurs with alcoholic myopathy, but is not one of the most common symptoms.