How to Rejuvenate Your Cells
Consume a balanced proportion of healthy foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Eat foods that contain an abundant source of Iron, calcium, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, Reservatrol, flavonoids, amino acids, fiber, and enriched anti-oxidants. Some examples may include a various assortment of fresh berries, lean meats, turkey, chicken, fish, skim milk, peanuts, red wine, avocados, sweet potato, and many green leafy, carciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, squash, brussel sprouts, spinach, and so on.
Protein, or amino acids, represents the building block of mitochondrial energy stores, which facilitates ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production,our body's natural chemical composition for pure energy. The Brain requires anti-oxidants to prevent oxidation from free-radicals, which infiltrate cells, often resulting from excess accumulation of cortisol instigated by stress. Our bodies, brain, and musculature need sufficient levels of Omega fatty acids, a severe deficiency in Western culture.
Drink plenty of water. Consume at least eight glasses of water per day, to replenish your body, brain, cells, and skin. Water naturally dilutes any toxins assimilated into the body, flushing out waste and/or other potentially dangerous materials that enter our bodies. Therefore, water cleanses the cells by eradicating any impurities that tend to clog them over time.
Avoid smoking. Prolonged periods of cigarette consumption progressively undermines cellular development, jeopardizing respiratory function, further weakening circulatory and vascular function. Cigarette curtails the inhalation of fresh healthy, oxygenated air, polluting it with pernicious, pestilential pathogens, chemicals, and carcinogens.
Receive adequate exercise to strengthen muscle fibers, cells, and promote production of the brain's neural circuitry. Aerobic exercise proves critical to proper cardiovascular and respiratory functioning, which, as previously explained, further facilitate cellular development by heightening the inhalation of oxygen.
Supplement with CoQ10. CoQ10 exists in every cell, organ, and tissue of the body. Our lives depend on CoQ10 for survival. Without it, we cease to live. However, our bodies contain such a limited amount, and we inevitably exhaust its supply simply through everyday living. Stress, illness, exercise, and natural aging significantly deprive the body of necessary CoQ10. With age, our bodies witness gradual decline of this indispensable chemical. Furthermore, our bodies fail to reproduce it, and hence require other means of access. Hence, the best approach involves finding a comprehensive, water soluble capsule that contains copious amounts of Coq10, to replenish and rejuvenate cells.
Find seven to ten hours per day of uninterrupted, superior quality sleep. Our bodies undergo the greatest degree of cellular recovery during deep, delta-wave sleep. In order to achieve such sleep, we must relax our minds throughout the day, possibly meditate, and avoid excess caffeine. By relaxing, we automatically trigger our body's natural production of serotonin.