Causes of Elevated Liver Function
Liver Function Test
A liver function test checks for elevated liver enzymes and proteins. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry states that this blood test panel checks the level of various proteins and enzymes inside the body. Doctors use this test to find out if patients are suffering from some form of liver disease or from liver damage. If doctors, detect elevated liver functions, the test lets them know the medical causes of this condition. They order this blood test when they think patients have liver function problems. Usually, doctors make this recommendation if patients state that they have stomach illnesses and pains or if they appear jaundice and have dark urine.
Cirrhosis of the Liver
Elevated liver functions indicate that patients suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. The GGT, or gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, is the enzyme produced in liver tissues. The U.S. National Library of Medicine states that GGT elevation signifies that the liver is scarred because of long-term, excessive alcohol consumption and drug use, including prescription medications. High levels of GGT also mean that a person has a fatty liver. To treat cirrhosis caused by elevated liver functions, doctors recommend cessation of alcohol consumption and drug use and change in medication. In addition, antibiotics stave off further liver damage.
Diabetes causes elevated liver function. The American Diabetes Association reports that the liver helps stabilize normal glucose production in the body. Elevated liver function indicates that the body is unable to properly metabolize glucose, leading to the overproduction or inadequate production of glucose in the body. In order to correct this condition, diabetics should manage their glucose levels by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing blood glucose levels according to doctor's instructions.
Gallstones are calcified pebbles formed in the gallbladder. They range from the size of sand to the size of a golf ball. The gallbladder, located near the liver, metabolizes bile produced by the liver. Elevated liver functions tell doctors that the bile, which breaks down fat in the body, is not metabolizing waste properly. Medication, lots of fluid and a diet containing little or no saturated fat reduce gallstone formation. Doctors sometimes prescribe medications to decrease the size of the gallstones, making their expulsion less painful.
People suffering from hepatitis A, B and C have elevated liver functions because hepatitis causes the liver to become inflamed. The U.S. Library of Medicine states that hepatitis is the manifestation of numerous conditions, including intravenous drug use, HIV/AIDS, risky sexual activity, infections from contaminated food or illnesses, or family history.