Fast Treatments for Cold Sores
Lemon Balms
This commonly available substance shortens the length of time a person suffers from cold sores and it helps reduce infection. It also may help reduce recurrence.
Peppermint Oil
A small amount of peppermint oil can help fight the herpes simplex virus. This is the virus that cause cold sores. Peppermint oil is toxic to humans in large amounts, so this remedy should be used with care.
Witch Hazel
Relief from the pain of cold sore can be obtained by dipping a finger moistened with witch hazel in powdered salt. Apply to the lip and repeat as often as needed.
Ice Cubes
Rubbing -ce on the cold sore will ease the pain slightly, although it does nothing for the process. Take an ice cube out of the freezer and place it on the affected area until it becomes slightly numb. Repeat this process every hour or so.
Blistex and Other Over-the-Counter Medications
Most over-the-counter medications will not reduce the length of the cold sore, but they can ease the pain around the mouth, provided the application is designed for the specific treatment of cold sores.