Abnormal Liver Function
Possible indicators of a liver problem are a yellow eye tint, persistent itching and abdominal swelling and pain. Your urine may become dark, and your stools may become lighter in color.
Liver Function Tests
Abnormal liver function tests involve drawing a small blood sample. This is sent to a laboratory, where various levels of components relating to the liver are measured.
Among the causes of abnormal liver functioning is eclampsia, poisoning, cirrhosis, hepatitis, Sump Syndrome or Wilson's disease. Many other conditions can also cause problems with liver function.
Abnormal tests may not indicate a diseased liver, since other undiagnosed medical conditions can affect liver function.
The liver helps the body digest food, absorb nutrients and get rid of toxins. See a physician immediately if you are experiencing relentless abdominal pain or other symptoms (see above).