Symptoms of Degenerative Bone Disease
Signs & Symptoms
People can go without symptoms of osteoporosis for years, and then suffer small fractures in their hips or wrists from falls. Other symptoms can include pain or aching in the back from "vertebral compression fractures." (Merck Online Manual)
If osteoporosis is suspected due to fractures and pain from minor falls, testing can be done with regular X-rays, bone density tests and CT scans. Other more complex tests may be necessary depending on the patient (age, risk factors) and the equipment available.
Treatments should include modifying risk factors, calcium and vitamin D supplements, drugs to help prevent fractures and weight-bearing exercise. Pain reduction, increasing bone mass, reversing bone loss and preventing fractures are all part of the patient's treatment plan.
Risk Factors
A number of risk factors predisposes a person to osteoporosis, including a sedentary lifestyle, being thin, inadequate vitamin and mineral intake, cigarette smoking, genetics and race.
Osteoporosis is more common in women than in men, and Asians and Caucasians are at highest risk. However, the risk is increasing among Hispanic women. (National Osteoporosis Foundation)