Symptoms of Lung Candida
Lung candida can cause flu- and pneumonia-like symptoms that include cough, fatigue, fever, headache, mucus from coughing, muscle pain and shortness of breath.
No Definite Symptoms
Even though lung candida may produce flu- and pneumonia-like symptoms, there are no definite symptoms of lung candida. A person might never know that he has been infected by the candida. Since most of the symptoms are also symptoms of other illnesses, the candida can go undiagnosed for long periods of time.
If the lung candida are detected and diagnosed, then doctors can treat the candida infection with a type of anti-fungal drug.
Sometimes a diet change can help keep the candida in check. Foods that are high in carbohydrates, caffeine, sugar and yeast help to feed the yeast in your body. If you cut back on those kinds of foods, then the candida will not be able to keep growing in your lungs.
Candida yeast are not just found in the lungs. Candida can be found anywhere in the body and can cause other infections as well.