Causes of Aging Yellow Toenails
Harmless Causes of Aging Yellow Toenails
If you frequently polish your toenails, it can cause them to become discolored. For some reason, the polish will actually stain the nail and cause it to turn yellowish.
Health Conditions That Cause Aging Yellow Toenails
People who suffer from chronic swelling of the legs or who have diabetes may notice a yellowing in their toenails. This is often a natural result of these health conditions.
More Serious Causes of Aging Yellow Toenails
Sometimes the problem is not so simple; in some cases, yellow toenails can be a sign of trouble. Many times, the cause of yellowish toenails is a fungus infection. Minor splits can occur in the nail plate due to simple, everyday activities. Even simply smacking your toe against the side of a table is a warm invitation for a fungus to breed. A doctor should be consulted.
Other Causes of Aging Yellow Toenails
If you frequent public swimming pools or public showers, or often get pedicures, these are sure ways to get a fungus infection in your toenails.
Other Factors to Consider
The bottom line is that yellow toenails are not pretty, and yellow is not the correct color for any nails to be. The yellowing could also indicate an infection--another good reason to double-check with your doctor.