How to Protect Yourself Against Disease
Catching any disease can slow us down and keep us from the things we enjoy, some diseases such as the Flu can be severe enough to kill.
First of all avoid being around people who are sick, if you are around a friend or family member that's sick talk them into seeking help.
Avoid borrowing hats, gloves, towels , caps, cigarettes, ipods or anything that has been handled. If you need to borrow an item you can purchase disinfectant towlettes to wipe it down while in your possession.
If in a camping or other outdoor situation keep human and animal waste far away. If no bathroom or facilities are around dig a 1-foot deep by 1-foot wide cat hole and use it, Cover it with dirt when you are finished. Wear insect repellant when outdoors for an extended period of time many insects such as flies and mosquitoes carry many different diseases, try not to wear sweet smelling perfumes and lotions.
Prevent skin infections by bathing frequently, keep genital area, armpits and feet clean, these are the areas of the body more prone to hold moisture. Use talcum powder in areas where wetness is a problem.
Visit the Dentist at least once a year for an examination or treatment. Brush your teeth at least once per day. Use dental floss daily and wash mouth out with an antiseptic mouth rinse.
Wash you hands before eating. The hands come in contact with sources of bacteria such as door knobs, handshakes, steering wheels, tools.
lastly and very importantly, always keep the area you are in well ventilated. Keep vent filters changed regularly If in the house keep a window cracked to usher out contaminated air and bring in fresh. Fresh air dilutes contaminated air.