Human Liver Disease Symptoms
Initial Symptoms
The initial symptoms of liver disease are usually nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite and tiredness. These are symptoms for many other conditions as well.
Continued Symptoms
Jaundice is a common symptom of liver disease. This is the yellowing of the skin and the mucous of the eyes. Urine is dark brown or black in color.
Liver Enlargement
The liver can enlarge, causing abdominal discomfort. Besides being tender and uncomfortable, there may not be any other symptoms associated with the enlarged liver.
Besides hepatitis and alcohol consumption, malnutrition and cirrhosis cause liver disease. Wilson's disease, a high accumulation of copper in the body, causes liver disease as well.
Treatment of the liver depends upon the other conditions associated with the liver such as hepatitis. Some treatments may include ribavirin, lamivudine, steroids and antibiotics.