Visible Symptoms of Liver Disease
Loss of Weight
One of the more easily witnessed visible symptoms of liver disease is loss of weight. This is due to a large part from the loss of appetite a person usually experiences when faced with this condition. However, the liver regulates the amount of glucose in a person's blood, so this may also affect a person's weight.
Many people who are suffering from liver disease often experience bruising. A person with a disease of the liver bruises much more easily than in someone with a healthy liver.
A number of people with liver disease also suffer from swelling that is typically isolated to the legs, because the body has begun to retain fluids.
Because the body will generally experience problems with the clotting of the blood, some people will also begin to suffer from nosebleeds. They may come and go but will usually persist for a short time.
Another common symptom of liver disease is a yellowing to both the skin and the eyes. This is due to the inability of the liver to remove certain toxins from the blood.