How to Support Cancer Patients
Find local cancer support groups or cancer networking social sites on the Internet. A great cancer organization is The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society where you can find plenty of resources and information relating to these cancers.( visit Another non-profit group is The River of Hope Foundation, whose mission is to spread the message of hope, faith and strength to those who are struggling with the challenges of battling cancer. These sites and other non-profit cancer sites are set up to increase public awareness about the particular diseases and to raise money for funding research and biomedical studies to find cures and to set up community and educational training programs. (see Resources below).
Keep a diary or journal with you so that you can write down your thoughts and fears. This will serve to help you and your care providers to manage the disease.
The financial costs can be tremendously challenging, especially if the diagnosis is chronic or requires multiple surgeries and complex treatments. There are various financial assistance programs and services that are offered to cancer patients and caretakers to help with some of the financial burden. The American Cancer Society and Cancer Care Foundation websites are good resources for further information (see links in Resources).
Help support cancer patients by organizing or participating in cancer charity or fundraiser events. Make donations to local cancer fundraisers and charities. These are important for supporting the cause and keeping the mission and goals alive.
Volunteer your time at local cancer clinics or hospitals. These institutions also offer educational and informative programs aimed at empowerment for those facing cancer, as well as support and resources for caretakers and family members.
Be an advocate for cancer and add your voice by placing pressure on Congress to enact laws and services to support cancer issues and research for developing new drugs and treatments. Support legislation on both the local and national levels. Be proactive and speak out for a cure for cancer.
Sponsor or attend galas, balls and other community cancer events. Go to the cancer websites for details on upcoming events and activities (see Resources).
Find resource programs and services to support the cancer patient. There are many websites that provide information and helplines. The key is to find ways to manage the cancer experience, have help in making decisions regarding treatment options and gather the support of medical doctors, healthcare providers and social workers.