Stages of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor located in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and abdomen. Exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of the disease. Asbestos are natural fibers that resist heat and fire. Usage of asbestos started in the 1800's in insulation, roofing, fireproofing, ceilings, floor tiles, paints, and even plastics.
People who worked in the industry producing products made with asbestos or in the removal of asbestos, breathed in the toxic dust and particles. Exposure to asbestos takes from twenty to fifty years to turn into mesothelioma. It is difficult to diagnose, though, because the symptoms resemble other conditions such as the flu or pneumonia.
Three staging systems are available to identify the stage of lung Mesothelioma: the Butchart System, the TNM System and the Brigham System. The Butchart System is the oldest and most used system by doctors. Its identification is based on the size of the tumors. It divides the diagnosis into four stages. The TNM System is more modern. It's based on the extent of the tumor spreading and involvement of the lymph nodes. It, too, divides the diagnosis into four stages. The Brigham System relies on the ability to operate as well as the involvement of the lymph nodes. Because mesothelioma is usually inoperable in the later stages, the Brigham System is rarely used.
Time Frame
The first stage of the Butchart System is infection in a noticeable area in the left or right chest cavity and/or the diaphragm. In the second stage, the cancer has moved into the heart, stomach, or esophagus. In the third stage, the mesothelioma has reached the abdominal cavity. In the final stage, the cancer has reached the organs and the blood stream.
The first stage of the TNM System happens when the mesothelioma is in the chest cavity, lungs, and possibly the heart. In stage two, the cancer has reached the lymph node and the diaphragm. In stage three, it has reached the vital organs. In stage four, it has spread to both sides of the lungs and possibly the abdomen.
In the first stage of the Brigham System, the tumor is operable. In the second stage, the tumor is still operable, but the lymph nodes are infected. In the third stage, the tumor is not operable and the cancer has spread to the heart, chest cavity, or diaphragm. In stage four, the cancer has spread throughout the body.
Symptoms of mesothelioma are varied. A person may have a dry cough or may cough up blood. Difficulty swallowing, a fever, and weight loss are other symptoms. Some have a shortness of breath, fatigue, and pains in the chest. Some may find a lump under the skin near the chest area.