How to Prevent Lymph Node Cancer
Lymphoma occurs when a cell in the lymphatic system becomes malignant and begins to grow abnormally. Cancer in the lymph nodes can be even more dangerous because it can travel through the lymphatic system to other areas of the body. This type of cancer falls into two categories: Hodgkins Disease and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Hodgkins Disease develops in white blood cells while non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) develops in other areas of the lymphatic system. Although a specific prevention plan does not exist for cancer, certain steps can be taken to minimize its likelihood.
Change your diet. Eating habits can potentially reduce the probability of developing lymph node cancer. According to MSNBC, two separate studies revealed a significant decrease in the risk of developing non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in people who increased their vegetable intake (Collins 2006). Those participants who ate the most vegetables had the lowest risk. Therefore, adding an abundance of veggies to your diet greatly reduces the chance of developing this form of cancer.
Take precautions to avoid HIV. People who develop HIV/AIDS have an increased risk of developing NHL. Therefore avoiding activities that increase the chance of developing this disease can also lessen the risks associated with developing lymphoma.
Seek out the sun. Although excessive sun exposure can lead to certain forms of cancer, in the case of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, sun exposure may actually lower your risk. According to Natural, an Australian study revealed findings that some natural sun exposure helped protect people from developing NHL.
Steer clear of chemicals. Some chemicals, such as those found in herbicides and insecticides, may increase the risks of developing Lymphoma. Avoid these chemicals by finding natural alternatives when eliminating insects and weeds.
Do a health overhaul. Although the factors that contribute to cancer development are many, cultivating a healthy lifestyle can reduce some of your risk. The Daily News reported that the major environmental factors that play a role in cancer development are smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity (Sabo 2005). Therefore quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and losing weight can all greatly reduce the likelihood of developing Lymphoma.