Causes, Signs and Symptoms of Autoimmune Pancreatitis
Autoimmune pancreatitis is a chronic condition. Chronic means that the condition lasts for a long period of time, sometimes even years. According to the Mayo Clinic, autoimmune pancreatitis is an unusual type of pancreas condition. Far more common is acute pancreatitis, which typically lasts for just a few days. This condition tends to be more common in men and often appears in those who are middle aged or older. However, it is possible for it to occur in people who are much younger.
Autoimmune pancreatitis causes such symptoms as an inflamed pancreas, weight loss, abdominal pain, itching and back pain. It may also be accompanied by jaundice--a condition that affects the liver--and the recent diagnosis of diabetes. Generally, symptoms of the condition are said to be mild, especially when compared to those that affect people who've been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis.
There are a several methods doctors use to diagnose autoimmune pancreatitis. Blood tests are commonly used to look for certain antibodies that indicate the disease. Also, diagnostic-imaging tests, such as ultrasounds, may be used in order to see the pancreas. A biopsy--a test that involves removing a tissue sample from the body--may also be used to determine whether or not a person has this condition and distinguish it from cancer of the pancreas, which often causes some of the same symptoms
Autoimmune pancreatitis is caused by problems with the immune system. An affected person's immune system sees the pancreas as a foreign or threatening body. The immune system then sends antibodies to attack and fight the threat. When they attack the pancreas, inflammation forms, which leads to the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis. The attack of the immune system may also lead to hardening of the pancreatic tissues.
Autoimmune pancreatitis is typically treated with corticosteroids--steroid hormones, such as a medication called prednisone (Meticorten or Sterapred). This medication is taken orally for a period of about 3 months. The treatment tends to work well and relieve symptoms for the majority of the patients who undergo it. However, it is possible to have a relapse and need more medication.