How to Diagnose Morgellons Disease Symptoms
Find a doctor who is familiar with Morgellons disease, if you think you have it. Go online to the Center for Disease Control to learn more about their current studies and participating doctors. Doctors who are familiar with Lyme disease may be able to help diagnose Morgellons because many patients with Morgellons also have Lyme disease. Be aware that many doctors are unfamiliar with Morgellons and believe it is DOP (delusions of parasitosis) and will refer you for psychiatric treatment, which is why it's so important to find a competent doctor who is familiar with Morgellons.
Tell the doctor all of your symptoms during your visit. The most common symptom of Morgellons disease is the thread like fibers that come out of the skin, causing painful lesions. The thread colors are red, blue, black and clear and appear under the skin before coming to the surface. Other common symptoms of Morgellons include skin sensations like tingling, pain or itching, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, brain fog or fuzzy thinking, peripheral neuropathy, gastrointestinal disorders and changes in skin pigment or texture.
Discuss with the doctor the type of blood work you'll need, as well as a skin biopsy. When the biopsy is taken of the lesion, fibers can be seen under the microscope with some fibers turning a florescent aqua color under lights. The biopsy will help rule out skin diseases or infections, like fungal infections. The fibers will have a ladder like structure under the microscope. Blood work should include a complete blood count or a full panel, and should include a Western Blot test. Many patients with Morgellons have a diminished immune response. The doctor may also want to take a culture of the open lesion to rule out any other infection.
Educate yourself about the symptoms and treatment of Morgellons disease. Go online and find community forums, many of whom can help you find a doctor close to your location. Until there is a cause of Morgellons found, it will be difficult to diagnose, which is why it's important to keep up to date on treatments and tests.