How to Reduce Leg Swelling
Take diuretics only as prescribed by your doctor. Diuretics are also known as "water pills" and help reduce the fluid retention that may cause swelling in your legs.
Avoid eating salty foods like salty snacks; excessive salt helps your body retain fluid and will make edema worse.
Elevate your legs frequently; when you elevate your legs it is easier for your heart to circulate and ease the fluid build up in your legs. Your legs should be at least at the same level as your hips while sitting; in severe cases it may be necessary to elevate your legs higher than the level of your hips.
Remove tight shoes and stockings, especially tight stockings that stop just below the knee. They will cut off your circulation and cause even more edema in your legs. Stockings that stop at the ankle can also impair circulation. Remove your shoes or at least loosen shoelaces or closures.
Wear loose fitting clothing from the waist down; avoid tight underwear and tight fitting slacks, which will impede circulation to your lower body and cause your legs to swell.
Move your lower legs and joints; raise and lower your legs, bend your knees and move your ankle joints in a circular motion. Movement will help the blood start flowing again and reduce the edema in your legs.
Drink more water, unless directed by your doctor not to drink more. Believe it or not, increasing your fluid intake helps push the fluid out of cells and puts it back into the bloodstream, creating increased circulation and less edema.