Natural Ways to Get Rid of Water in the Body
Reduce Sodium Intake
We need sodium in our diets because it is essential for everyday bodily functions. The average American consumes 5,000 to 6,000 mg of sodium daily even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, recommends no more than 2,300 mg. Sodium-sensitive individuals should not take in more than 1,500 mg daily. Most of the extra sodium comes from fast food, processed food, canned goods and preserved meats. Such food products should be avoided to get rid of the water weight. Your body absorbs the extra water for the metabolism of the extra sodium, resulting in the water weight.
Exercise Regularly
Exercising helps you to burn fat as well as makes you sweat. Sweating allows you to get rid of excess water in your body along with the extra sodium that was retaining the water. Thus, exercise allows you to lose weight from both fat and water. Everyone should exercise daily to be physically fit and healthy.
Drink More Water
A healthy adult needs 8 to 12 8-ounce glasses of fluids every day to avoid dehydration. Increase this amount to 16 glasses if you work out more than one hour, as you will sweat more. You should make drinking water part of your daily routine. You can buy a portable container in which you can store water and keep it with you wherever you go. You can use citrus fruits like lime or lemon to add taste to the water. A refreshing taste makes it easier for you to drink more water.
If you drink water when you're dehydrated, your body retains more water than it usually does, which causes an increase in the water weight. You should drink water before you feel thirsty, as thirst is a sign of dehydration. Other signs include headaches, dizziness, dark urine, nausea and constipation.
Use Natural Diuretics
Certain drugs, known as diuretics, can cause a decrease in the water weight by removing the excess water in the form of urine. These drugs can have certain side effects like improper balance of potassium levels in the body, metabolic acidosis, improper balance of acids in the body and build-up of uric acid in the joints. However, you can make use of the natural diuretics, which do the same job and don't have any side effects. You can make natural diuretics part of your diet. Most popular natural diuretics are watermelon, tomatoes, cucumber, cranberries, asparagus and green tea.
Change Medications
Certain medications such as birth control pills, steroids and estrogen replacement hormones can cause your body to retain more water than needed as a side effect. If you notice a sudden increase in your weight after you started taking medications, you should consult your doctor to find out whether these medications are responsible for the increase in your weight. If medications are indeed the culprit, ask your doctor to suggest alternative medications.
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