Budwig Diets
Main Diet
The main spread consists of blending together 8.5 oz. flaxseed oil and 1 lb. low-fat cottage cheese. You can add a splash of goat's milk so the oil blends better. Once it is blended, stir 4 tbsp. honey for taste. Optional toppings for the spread are nuts and fruit. It is recommended you consume 4 oz. cottage cheese and 5 oz. flaxseed oil blend everyday. Acidophilus milk is a important component of the diet for a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.
Fruit and Juice
Use a juicer as much as possible to get the highest quality nutrients. Purchase 100 percent organic juice with no sugar added, if juicing is not possible. The best juices for the diet are carrot, celery, sauerkraut, apple and red beet. Other fruit options include dates, figs, pears, grapes, lemons, berries, cherries, apricots and peaches which can be used as a topping or a sweetener. Stevia and honey can also be used as a sweetener.
Vegetables should be eaten raw or steamed. All vegetables are allowed, except corn. Corn's genetic make-up and mold properties make it unhealthy. The best vegetable options are carrots, turnips, kohlrabi, radishes, sauerkraut and cauliflower. When buying vegetables, purchase organic, as they are treated with less harmful chemicals. Health food store-quality pickles are also recommended on this diet.
Miscellaneous Foods
All raw, unroasted nuts and seeds can be eaten, except peanuts. For better nutritional value when using nuts and seeds as a topping, grind them in a coffee grinder just before using. The best warm tea options are peppermint, rose hips, grape and 1 cup of black tea per day. Suggested herbs and spices for the diet are vanilla, cinnamon, chives, parsley, garlic, cayenne, mustard and red pepper. Whole grain sources should come from buckwheat or millet. Sunflower, poppy seed, soya and walnut are healthy oil options.
Forbidden Foods
A variety of foods are believed to contain chemicals that are not good for the body. Foods to avoid are such things as butter and margarine, all processed food, white flour, mayonnaise, all salad oils, animal fats, sugar, dairy, meat, seafood and corn products. It is also recommended to avoid microwaving and using Teflon and aluminum products.