What is fulminant pneumonitis?
Causes of fulminant pneumonitis include:
- Pneumonia: This is the most common cause of fulminant pneumonitis. It is caused by an infection of the lungs, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
- Aspiration: This is the inhalation of foreign material, such as food, drink, or vomit, into the lungs. This can lead to fulminant pneumonitis if the foreign material causes inflammation and infection in the lungs.
- Smoke inhalation: This is the inhalation of smoke from a fire or other source. This can lead to fulminant pneumonitis if the smoke causes inflammation and infection in the lungs.
- Drug overdose: This can lead to fulminant pneumonitis if the drug causes inflammation and infection in the lungs.
- Immune disorders: These disorders can lead to fulminant pneumonitis if they cause the immune system to attack the lungs.