Air Optix Instructions
Open one eye packet. Contact lens are packaged individually. Depending on whether the right eye and left eye are the same prescription, make sure to match the right eye with the corresponding prescription.
Place your index finger on the contact lens. Take the contact lens out of the package and set the single contact lens in the palm of your hand. With the contact solution, gently wash the contact lens thoroughly. Make sure there are no visible particles on the contact lens.
Place the contact lens on your index finger. The contact lens should appear concave on the finger. Add a drop of contact solution which helps create suction between the contact lens and the eye.
Use the opposite hand to hold your eyelid stable while inserting the contact lens in the eye. Try not to blink and place the contact lens in your eye. Once the contact lens adheres to the eye, move your eyes up and down--making sure the contact lens is attached--and blink to assure stability.
Repeat the steps for the other eye. First-time contact lens users will take a few attempts before securing the contact lens on the eyes. Just repeat the above steps if you are unable to get the contact lens in the eye. Consult an optometrist if any irritation or redness occurs.