Spider Vein Procedures
Sclerotherapy is a treatment for spider veins that involves injecting a solution into the vein. The solution irritates the vein and causes the vein to become scar tissue, which then fades from the surface of the skin. The treatment can usually take place in a doctor's office. A sclerotherapy session takes between 30 and 45 minutes, depending on the extent of the spider veins. The pain from a treatment is mild for small spider veins. A larger vein may cause a few minutes of pain and cramping after the doctor injects the solution.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment is another option for patients with spider veins. This type of treatment works best on fair skin tones. The doctor directs the laser on the spider vein, which causes it to fade. A laser treatment for spider veins can cause pain for some patients. A single treatment may take between 15 and 20 minutes, but often multiple treatments are required to fade the spider veins. The skin may become swollen and red after the treatment. Some patients may experience burns from a laser surgery, but this is not a common side effect of the treatment.
Not all causes of spider veins can be prevented. There's nothing you can do about age and heredity, but for other causes some prevention methods may help. Keep the legs elevated above the heart whenever possible. Daily exercise such as walking, biking and swimming keep the muscles in the calf moving, which reduces pressure in the legs. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods. During long periods of inactivity, flex the calf muscles to help prevent spider veins.
Lose weight or maintain an ideal weight to avoid spider veins and varicose veins. Hot tubs and excessive heat may also increase the chance of spider veins.