Why Do I Get Light Headed When I Stand Up?
Blood Pressure Trends
Blood pressure tends to pool in the normal extremities, making it less available to the upper body when sitting or lying down. When quickly shifting from sitting to standing, postural hypotension sets in for the first few seconds, a condition in which there is not enough pressure in the veins to pump the blood upward.
Normal Blood Pressure
Since a normal blood pressure reading is 120/80 mm Hg, pressure readings consistently under that could indicate chronic issues. These include heart problems, where the heart isn't circulating enough blood, or endocrine issues, where a low thyroid could cause low blood pressure.
Contributing Factors
A decrease in blood supply to the brain can be caused by or influenced by anemia. A condition where inefficient oxygen is in the blood, anemia can be due to a deficiency of the nutrient iron, excessive blood loss, cancer, or kidney disease.