How to Stay Safe From Communicable Diseases
Wash your hands repeatedly. Because germs can live on the hands, washing your hands after using the restroom, changing a baby's diaper, before preparing food and upon entering your home can stop the spread of communicable diseases.
Use a tissue when sneezing or coughing. Coughing or sneezing into the air without covering your mouth can spread illnesses such as the common cold. Grab a tissue, or use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth. Use antibacterial or soap after sneezing or coughing into your hands.
Blow your nose into disposable tissues. Wiping your nose with your hand or using a handkerchief increases the chances of spreading a communicable disease. Use tissue to blow your nose, and then flush the tissue. If unable to flush the tissue, wrap a clean tissue around the dirty one, and then dispose of the tissue in the trash.
Stop sharing drinks and foods. Drinking or eating behind another person increases the risk of illness.
Sanitize your home. Doorknobs, toys, telephones, furniture and other surfaces can hold germs. Use a spray sanitizer to disinfect the surfaces in your home, especially if someone is ill. Wash bed spreads, linens, pillows and towels to reduce the spread of diseases.
Protect yourself when assisting a sick relative. Wear gloves and a facial mask when caring for a sick relative to avoid becoming ill. This includes wearing gloves to clean a dirty diarrhea diaper or vomit.