Ribbon Colors to Support Different Cancer Types
Ribbons to support liver cancer are emerald green and its awareness month takes place in October each year. The cancer, Lymphoma has an awareness color of lime green and its awareness month is September.
The ribbon for cervical cancer awareness is teal and white. Most of the ribbon is teal but a part of the bottom of the ribbon is white. The month that signifies cervical cancer awareness takes place in January. Ovarian cancer's color is also teal but without the white contrast. Its awareness month is in September. Colon cancer's color is dark blue and March is its awareness month. Prostate cancer's ribbon color is light blue and its awareness month takes place during September. Both esophageal and stomach cancer have periwinkle ribbons. Stomach cancer doesn't have a designated month but esophageal cancer's month takes place in April.
Both Leiomyosarcoma and pancreatic cancer are associated with purple ribbons. November is pancreatic cancer awareness month. General cancer is signified with a lavender color. Testicular cancer's color is a lighter, orchid color and April is its awareness month.
Oranges, Yellows, Reds
Bladder, sarcoma and bone cancer are all signified with the color yellow. November is the awareness month for bladder cancer while Sarcoma and bone cancer's awareness month takes place in June. Kidney cancer and Leukemia are associated with the color orange. March is kidney cancer's awareness month while September is the month for Leukemia awareness. Head and neck cancer is signified with a burgundy ribbon with ivory as part of the ribbon. April is the awareness month for these cancers. Multiple myeloma's color is also burgundy, without the ivory.
Brain cancer is signified with a gray ribbon and May is brain cancer awareness month. Lung cancer's ribbon color is clear and white and its awareness month is in November. Melanoma's ribbon color is black and like brain cancer, its awareness month takes place in May.
Other Colors
Breast cancer's ribbon color is pink and the awareness month takes place in October. Childhood cancer takes the color gold with its month being September. Thyroid cancer has a teal, pink and blue ribbon. One string of the ribbon is pink, another is blue and the top section is teal. Thyroid cancer awareness takes place during the month of September. Uterine cancer has a peach ribbon and its awareness month is in September.