Ascaris Lumbricoides Diseases
Constant Low-Grade Fever
Upon infection, a constant low grade fever will emerge. This can be easily misdiagnosed as a cold or a viral infection. The correct procedure for diagnosis is a blood test and a stool analysis to detect the presence of ova or worms.
Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Eosinophilic pneumonia is another outcome of roundworm infestation. Due to irritation in the lungs when the larvae move from the lungs to the intestinem, fluid buildup occurs, and pneumonia can set in. The pneumonia can be severe.
Blood in the Sputum
This is another typical sign of worm infestation. As the larvae travel, they may break up capillaries, causing fluid from the respiratory tract to contain blood. This may be misdiagnosed as tuberculosis or other diseases that cause similar symptoms
Perforated Intestine
If infestation becomes severe, a perforated small or large intestine is possible from the worms eating through the intestinal wall. This is life-threatening because this means intestinal contents are leaking into the abdominal cavity. Symptoms are severe abdominal pain and a general feeling of malaise. If left untreated, the infected person will eventually die by multiple organ failure.
Prevention and Treatment
The NIH recommends preventative steps. Do not drink water that has not been boiled or sterilized, since it may contain live ova. The NIH further states that treatment is readily available with the drugs albendazole or mebendazole.