Disability Insurance Claims for Chronic Lyme Disease
The Social Security Administration handles distribution of disability benefits and maintains a listing of impairments that qualify for payment. Although Lyme disease does not have a specific listing, it is listed as an associated disorder of inflammatory arthritis. Thus, you may still qualify for benefits by documenting the arthritic symptoms associated with both conditions (i.e., joint pain, tenderness, swelling and loss of movement).
Claim Filing
To file a disability claim, visit any Social Security office. You may receive forms in advance by calling 800-772-1213, or simply visit the Social Security website at www.socialsecurity.gov. There, you will find a link to apply for disability benefits online. In order to apply online and qualify for benefits, one of the following criteria regarding your condition must be met: You have been unable to work for at least 12 months prior to filing; you are expected to be unable to work for at least 12 months; or your condition is expected to end in death.
When filing your claim, be sure to include your doctor's contact information as well as all information regarding your medications, hospitalizations and treatments. This Social Security Administration relies on such information to make an initial determination regarding your disability.
Wait Time
The waiting period for a determination of benefits for a disability claim may be six to 12 months. If your claim is approved, you will receive benefits for the period of time between applying and receiving your decision.
If your disability claim is denied, you may appeal. Approximately 30 percent of all initial claims are approved after first review. More than 50 percent of claims appealed undergo review by an administrative law judge and receive approval.
Helpful Hints
Your claim may be strengthened by keeping a diary of your symptoms and demonstrating how they affect your activities of daily living. Also, in the event that an appeal is necessary, you may provide information about Lyme disease symptoms prior to your appeal appointment so the judge will know how far-reaching the effects of the disease can be.